Today is my Sister Lorri's Birthday, the passed year or so has been filled with a lot of ups and downs for us. The roadtrip that Lorri memorialized with this video was a big turning point for my relationship with her. Lorri, my son Brian, and myself went on a voyage of discovery to an amazing place from our youth, our Father and Grandfathers Goldmine. Growing up we had spent summers living in tents 80 miles from nowhere in Northern Nevada. For me it was a place of incredible memories and for my son Brian I can only imagine it was the source of many a "Big Fish" tale from nights spent with his Grandpa.
Happy Birthday Lorri! I love You!
I just saw this today and it made me smile. I felt the same about that trip. It was awesome sharing it with the Bean Man too. You hold a special place in this silly sentimental heart of mine. I have a stack of rocks on the coffee table that makes me think of you and smile. Let's try to get there again soon. Love you too!