Saturday, February 4, 2012

Slow Day

I had big plans for a full day working in my Orchard/Chicken Run but some kind of cold bug had a different idea. The third apple going in did arrive and I picked it up this morning, it is a Pink Lady. This variety is rated very high out at the UNCE orchard, one of the Master Gardners was able to get 9 shipped in when the orchard didn't receive any this year. When I got there this morning and mentioned I was picking up a Pink Lady everyone got kind of furtive looks and said "oh we couldn't get any this year" but when they showed up it was all hush hush like I was picking up contraband! Kinda neat bein in on the "secret" shipment! Again those volunteers out there are the GREATEST and obviously love what they're doing!

Now for some picks of my Chooks! This is my crazy teenage crowd of pullets takin a dust bath. And a single shot of one of the Easter Eggers I got as 3 week olds last fall.

These girls below all came out of my hens, I'm not sure who each ones momma is, but other than the red one its obvious that their daddy was the big mean white and black rooster I got rid of. 

These 6 Handsome Devils, grrrrr, below are my marans. I was hoping for pullets (young hens) but so far everyone thinks they're cockerels (young roosters) hence the grrrrrrr!

I plan on getting rid of my other roosters and keeping a couple of my Marans Roosters. That way if I do happen to get lucky and some of these are hens I will get purebred Marans. In addition I should get olive eggers out of my easter egger hens.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a productive day!?!

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